Exciting news! One of my ceramics has been selected for this year’s Little Things!
“Petite Moutarde Bleue” Suzi Poland Little Things 2019
This is the third year my work has been selected for Little Things and knowing how many entries they receive, I am humbled to be selected again. You can see photos of my previous entries in 2016 and 2017 on my Instagram.
I’ve called my little thing “Petite Moutarde Bleue” because it was inspired by a french mustard pot my mother collected. It sits on my kitchen bench along with another mustard pot which inspired me to learn how to throw. I created the glaze during Open Studio in the year after finishing my Diploma of Ceramics at NSI Brookvale Tafe.
Little Things
28th August - 8th September 2019
Saint Cloche gallery
37 MacDonald St, Paddington, Sydney
The official opening and announcement of prizes is at 2pm on Saturday 31st August. They have food trucks and drinks and it’s always a fun afternoon. If you are super keen, they also have a Little Things Dinner on Thursday 29th. For more information and sales, please contact Saint Cloche gallery.